Kevin Bailey
Health, Fitness, and Beauty
As the CEO and founder of Workout Warrior LLC, Kevin Bailey has been recognized for his expertise in the field of health and wellness. He has been featured on top television shows such as the Better Mornings show in Atlanta and The Montel Williams Show. With his extensive training as a Medical Exercise Specialist, Kevin has empowered countless businesswomen and professionals to overcome pain by identifying the root cause and providing them with easy-to-follow strategies to move more freely and feel their best. Kevin is on a mission to help 1 million women say goodbye to pain, feel strong and fabulous, and love their lives again by 2033.
Challenge: Most Americans start losing 1 pound of lean muscle tissue each year after the age of 30-35. So if one is 60, and have not been doing some type of resistance training, then he or she will have lost 30-35lbs. of muscle. Lean muscle tissue not only keeps you strong, and helps you maintain good posture and balance, but also keeps your basal metabolic rate up, so that the amount of calories that you burn at rest is elevated – in essence, the more lean muscle tissue you have, the more calories you will burn through the day, and even while you sleep.
Tip: Strength train or resistance train 2-4 times a week. This will help you develop more lean muscle tissue. Use dumbbells, barbell, resistance tubes, and even your own body weight to strengthen muscles, and add lean muscle tissue. 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions should do the trick, and you should be able to maintain proper form with each exercise, if not, reduce the weight, or repetitions. Also make sure that whatever exercise you are doing, that you can actually feel the muscle group that you are suppose to be targeting. If not, find an exercise where you can feel the muscles that are being targeted!
Challenge: Most Americans gain 1 pound of fat every year after the age of 30-35. So again, if you are 60, then you may have gained 25-30 pounds of fat! This hinders your energy levels, stamina, and sexual drive. This large weight gain can cause joint problems, and like most, if it accumulates around the midsection, it can cause metabolic syndrome, which can lead to other issues. So you have 25-30 of fat to lose which makes it more challenging at 60, especially if you already had a significant amount of fat to lose before the age of 35.
Tip: Keep your sugar levels down and increase your fat intake. Carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates is what drives insulin levels up. Insulin is a storage hormone that is released when carbohydrates are eaten in order to transport nutrients and in order to bring blood sugar levels back down to normal levels. So if you eat something that has a low number of carbohydrates like broccoli, then your body’s blood sugar levels will slightly increase, which then in response, the body will release a relatively small amount of insulin to take care of the small blood sugar increase. But if you eat a large amount of carbohydrates, or something that has very little to no nutritional value, like a piece of cake, then your blood sugar levels will shoot up high quickly, and in response, Insulin will be released in an even greater amounts to handle all of those carbs and bring the blood sugar back down. Usually with that type of surge, it is removed out of the blood stream and stored into fat cells! And if you do not ever tap into those fat stores, it will stay trapped there, no matter how much you exercise!
You must drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake to between 50-100 grams daily in order to stop storing fat. This will set your body up to release Glucagon, a fat burning hormone in the body. Between meals, when your body begins to look for energy, if there is not Insulin present in the system, the body will release Glucagon, which will start releasing stored body fat. But remember, Insulin and Glucagon both are secreted from the pancreas and cannot be present at the same time. So when you eat high carbs or sugar, or that bagel, just know that you just hindered your body from burning fat. Consume healthy fats to help you feel satiated. Almonds, macadamia nuts, avocados, and coconuts, are great sources of healthy fats that will help you feel full for longer periods of time. These tips will help you to lose weight even in your 60’s!
Tip: Perform cardiovascular exercises to help burn off the fat! Walking, running, or cycling are examples of some forms of cardio that you could do to burn off the fat. Perform 5-7 days a week, for 20-60 minutes a Day. Vary intensity levels, and listen to your body. If your muscles are fatigued, then maybe decrease your pace, and increase the duration. Make sure that you are not barely making it through your sessions. You want to feel like you could have gone s little longer, or faster when you finish, especially in the beginning. This way, you will decrease your chances of overtraining, and possibly injuring yourself.
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