The Ultimate On-Camera Guidebook: Hosts*Experts*Influencers

Television Veteran, Jacquie Jordan and On Air Talent, Shannon O'Dowd,


The Ultimate On-Camera Guidebook: Hosts*Experts*Influencers

Television Veteran, Jacquie Jordan and On Air Talent, Shannon O'Dowd, parlay their long time media training careers into The Ultimate On-Camera Guidebook: Hosts*Experts*Influencers memorializing the A-Z of what it takes to be on camera in every position for successful appearances.


With fun anecdotal stories, these two communicators breakdown the elements of on camera performances including auditions, branding, content, direction, editorial, focus, glamour, headshots, hosting, influencers, jargon, kinetics, languaging, memorization, nuances, on-air, performance, questions, rehearsals, social media, talking points, under-performing, vernacular, w, x, y, and z!!!


This Guidebook takes the talent from pre-production and behind the scenes, to the business elements that create opportunity and success to the new frontier of the digital age, the Selfie and the story it tells the audience.

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